Dr. Ignacio Funes-Ardoiz was born and raised in Tudela (Spain). He studied Chemistry at the University of La Rioja from 2009 to 2013. Then, he moved to the Insitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in Tarragona, where he finished the Master degree and he joined Prof. Feliu Maseras group for the doctoral studies (2014-2017). In 2018, he received the Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship from the Alexander von Humbolt foundation and he worked in Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck group for 2 years. Finally, he came back to the University of La Rioja as a postdoctoral fellow to work in the Organic Photochemistry group (GRUFOR) lead by Dr. Diego Sampedro.

In 2021, Ignacio received the “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” fellowship to work in La Rioja and start his independent career. His research interests mainly focus in computational chemistry applied to organic photochemistry and organometallic catalysis, using DFT and Machine Learning methodology. He also participates actively in a variety of outreach activities and he teached Chemistry (Bachellor and Master courses) at the University of La Rioja.


Ignacio picture